
PCB Material Management

Electronics Manufacturing Services

TechnoTronix provides a turnkey approach to material management that includes all aspects of component procurement and inventory control. Our close relationships with leading component distributors allow us to optimize your purchasing power to get the best value for every dollar you spend.

Our comprehensive approach increases your efficiency
  • Instead of dealing with a dozen vendors and their paperwork demands, you deal with just one, TechnoTronix.
  • We leverage our vendor relationships to maximize your purchasing power.
  • Our experienced material managers can deliver just-in-time inventory solution that marks increase production efficiency.
  • Our comprehensive turnkey solutions free you to focus on other areas of your business such as product development and expanding your customer base.

Material management system in TechnoTronix is designed efficiently for purchasing electronic inputs with high accuracy in component familiarity and creating a database or history of individual customer requirements. We strive to offer our services with a focus to save time and money with our distributor partnerships across the globe. We foster material management by strict control in the procurement of all materials, buffer stock, sourcing of obsolete materials and stressing on quality components.

Do you have any PCB Material Management requirements? Request a free PCB Material Management quote. Alternatively, email BoM, Gerber files, and other required details at sales@technotronix.us or call us 714/630-9200.

PCB Assembled in 24 hours

Best Turn around time for Prototype PCB assembly. Kitted and Turn-Key option as per customers requirement.