PCB Electrical Testing

PCB Electrical Testing

With it comes to printed circuit boards, defects are never an option. PCB electrical testing is your answer to perfect boards, every time. Especially when it comes to mission critical operations, you just cannot afford nay downtime. This is the exact reason why electrical testing is becoming exceedingly important. It ensures that the connectivity of the PCB is as specified and that there are no defects or flaws. With PCBs increasingly becoming multilayered, miniaturized and high density, the importance of PCB electrical testing cannot be overstated.

At Technotronix, we offer robust printed circuit board electrical testing that goes a long way in ensuring that you do not have to deal with any costly mistakes.

Printed Circuit Board Electrical Testing Capabilities

At Technotronix, our PCB electrical testing options include:

Flying Probe / Fixtureless Testing

We make extensive use of flying probe testing especially when volumes or product mix demands that building a fixture isn’t feasible. Flying probe test systems has few restrictions on board access, and can test boards with virtually unlimited number of nets. Flying Probe also allows for testing in a short period of time.

The demand for improved test speed, board access, reliability and repeatability are some of the parameters that make Flying Probe a test of choice.

Bed of Nails Fixture

A bed of nail is a specific tool for fixture test. The advantages offered by this test include the fact that it offers high speed, is accurate and that the fixed tools are reusable.

Hi Potential Testing

Hi-Pot or Dielectric Withstanding testing validates the insulation between atypical plane or potential layers. Typically, the steps involved in Hi potential testing include:

  • Application of voltage to net.
  • Holding voltage for dwell time to be able to detect any stray current.
  • Move to the next pair.

4 Wire Kelvin Testing

Also known as the four-terminal resistance measurement method, it can test extremely small resistance of IVH and through holes. The big advantage is that it does not get impacted by test lead or contact resistance.

Embedded Resistance and Capacitance Testing

With miniaturization of printed circuit boards and embedded resistors integrated in the PCB, this is an important test that can accurately measure embedded resistance. It ensures that the manufacturers’ specifications are met.

Benefits of PCB Electrical Testing

  • Bard board electrical testing is the go-to testing method for multi-layered PCBs as well as those boards that are densely populated with high value components.
  • A major benefit of electrical testing is also that PCB designs with copper poured to cover most of the board surface is likely to have more chances of short circuit. Such boards benefit from electrical testing.
  • An added advantage of electrical testing is that the cost of the testing is a small percentage of the finished board cost and hence the ROI is large.
  • Electrical tests such as Flying Probe offer the flexibility of a quick set up and therefore are preferred in terms of lead time.
  • Additionally, Flying Probe tests reveals not just shorts and opens but has also been known to expose design errors.

Application of PCB Electrical Tests

Printed circuit board electrical testing comes in handy at the end of the PCB production process to ensure that the interconnectivity of the PCB is as per the original board data. Electrical testing therefore finds extensive application with PCBs with 2 layers or more.

In fact, as PCBs designs get more and more complex and as drilled holes continue to grow smaller, the need for electrical testing has been growing across industries.

Technotronix Advantage

At Technotronix, we have over 4 decades of experience when it comes to fabricating and assembling a wide variety of PCBs. Customers across industries count on us to make technologically superior PCBs available. This is made possible both on account of our adoption of cutting-edge technology as well as our superior technical expertise.

You can count on us to offer you robust PCB testing methodologies that ensure that there are no costly errors to deal with once the PCB hits the market. When you join hands with us you also get access to a rich body of industry best practices that give you an edge. Additionally, you can rest assured that the board will be delivered to you exactly in accordance with the design files. You can therefore proceed straight towards assembling the boards without the worry of any manufacturing defect. As PCB designs become smaller and more complex, our robust electrical testing keeps your board integrity, intact!

You can also count on us to offer quick turnaround times that help you go-to-market early. Whether it is prototype quantities or large production runs we display the same unstinting commitment to quality.

All you need to do is to get in touch with our team and share your bespoke requirements. Our experienced team will share a custom quote.

Printed Circuit Board Electrical Testing FAQs

PCB electrical testing is a method of testing its interconnectivity against original board data, and ensure that there are no defects which may cause problems. Bare board electrical testing provides the assurance of overall quality.

As PCB designs get more complex with smaller features and tighter grids, small drilled holes and more, the need for electrical test is becoming more important to ensure PCB integrity.

Yes, we offer wide range of PCB electrical testing, depending on your requirements.

There are many advantages of flying probe tests. From having few restrictions on board access, to allowing for testing in a short period of time without the need for fixtures!

With PCB electrical testing the cost of the testing is a small percentage of the finished board cost and hence it is known for its ROI.

We pride ourselves on offering quick turnaround times. Get in touch with us with your bespoke requirements and you will get quick turn PCBs.

There is no exaggeration when we say that we offer robust customer support with our team hand holding you, every step of the way.

We have over 4 decades of experience in dealing with different aspects of PCBs. Our state-of-the-art equipment and team of experts offer significant advantages. Whether you are looking at fabrication, testing or assembly, we offer quality services.

We have robust quality check procedures in place. Above everything, a large portfolio of satisfied clients stand as the biggest testimony to our success.

Please feel free to Request a quick quote for any kind of requirements that you may have. Alternately, you can also get in touch with us at 714/630-9200, 714/630-9207, or write in to us at [email protected]
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Do you have any PCB electrical testing requirements? Request a free PCB fabrication quote. Alternatively, email BoM, Gerber files, and other required details at [email protected] or call us 714/630-9200.


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